Sunday, May 27, 2007


entry yg ni pon takder yg pasti, aku trsgt la boring...boring tahap dewa..huhu...

study week kalu ikut e-learning da abes.isnin nti final exm da start.cuak...mmg gitu gak aku ni.sgt liat nk bkk buku n study...kene paksa diri.takper2...aku anggap ini sebagai satu jihad,jihad tok blajar...

takder modal nak update entry...


p/s: otak sgt blank...

p/s: boring++++++ =(

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


tak der modal nk menaip...

neway, td aku ader kls is [ islamic study ].huhu..2 jam,kol 10 sampai kol 12. per citer?

aku n *** [ tak ley bg tau, tkt kener marah...haha ], kuar bilik kol 10.pastu korg nk tau kitorg g maner?haha...g isi perot...hehe..mmg takder kejer r...mkn2 pastu br masok kls is.aku ingtkan aku la yg plg lwt,rupernyer uyun n fad lg lmbt! haha...

pastu, aku berada dlm dilema!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!naper?sakit peroooooooooooooot mak oi!
huhu..merana aku dlm lecture hall tuh...
tp,skt2 aku,ley gak aku abehkn 2 game sudoku..huhu..

tu jer la citer aku kali ni... [ mmg takder modal r... ]

p/s: week....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


what hurts the most

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house,
That don't bother me,
I can take a few tears now and then and just let 'em out,
But I’m not afraid to cry,
Every once in a while,
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me,
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok,
But that’s not what gets me,

What hurts the most,
Was being so close,
And having so much to say,
And watching you walk away,
And never knowing what could have been,
And not seeing that loving you,
Is what I was trying to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you
Everywhere I go,
But i'm doin' it,
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone,
Still harder,
Getting up getting dressed never want this regret
But I know if I could do it over,
I would treat everyway all the words that I say in my heart that I left unspoken,

What hurts the most,
Was being so close,
And having so much to say,
And watching you walk away,
And never knowing what could have been,
And not seeing that loving you,
Is what I was trying to do
Is what I was trying to do

p/s: ............

my horoscope 4 today;
"Be cautious today - your emotions are going to be swinging back and forth"


first time bacer, yer ker? emo ker aku ni?

sori r...kalu bley tknk nyer aku emo cam tu...
then, aku chat ngan *** jap, member yg aku anggap cam abg. he was here once, in utp. unfortunately his result wasn't good enough 4 him to stay here.

walaupon skejap jer, he reminds me of those old memories of ours, all are sweet,as sweet as the honey is. oh, i want him here. i know if he know that i'm feeling down, he'll try his best to make me smile again...

i know it's not fair to miss someone you just known for a few months than missing the one you known for almost 3 years or maybe as long as 5 years. i'm sorry... but i do miss you guys.

people used to say that word speaks louder than action. and me? i guess word doesn't really speak that loud. my feeling speaks louder. yes, it is...and now? i believe my action has prooved it right. word does speak louder than action...

i guess all of this feeling is kept secured in my heart. in fact, too secured. every moment, when i spend the time alone, i always want to cry. i tried to find the reasons, at least one, but i failed. i guess that's the reason.

well, i guess the horoscope is right. i'm in the sea of emotion. watch out, i may just piss off on you with no reasons at all.
and i'm sorry if i did...

p/s: ... ... ...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


A - L - O - N - E

p/s: .........

Monday, May 14, 2007


aku br jer khatam tgk 2 movie... FREAKY FRIDAY n CLICK. secara roughly mmg dua2 ni takde kaitan dua2 menonjolkan theme yg samer...

and what's that?

F - A - M - I - L - Y

hmm...hari ibu br jer smalam...spanjang hari aku teringatkan mak aku kt umah. naper tak call? kedit hbs r....ingatkan mlm ni ley la aku call n wish "MOTHER'S DAY". tp, kecewa nyer ati ni biler call miskol mak aku,mk aku tak call blk. sdey nyer....

tak dpt ler aku nak wish mak aku....takper2, still got 2morrow [ insyaALLAH...slagi d br rezki bernafas d muka bumi ALLAH yg indah ni... ] .lewat sehari pon lewat la...x ksh, better late than never...

berbalik psl movie td, CLICK mmg best. tp agak bosan. aku pon bkn mghayati 1o0% pon. tgk camtu criter ni brbks d hati...the consequences of putting your family not as your priority is shown in this movie.nice...sgt bgs kpd saper2 yg giler kerje smpai tak ingat dunia..

so ingat la petikan dr filem ni:


ckp rgks, tp aku percaya kalu kiter pegang bende ni, it will bring a lot of differents in your life, as well as others.

n FREAKY FRIDAY? it's about a teenager who never get along with her mother, exchanged soul n lived the life of others in one day. akhirnyer diorg blaja tok menerima cara hidup n prinsip pegangan yg berlainan. masing2 blaja tok enjoy things that another one enjoyed much. n of course, a happy ending story, simple but still remind you about your family.

tp yg lbh menonjol ialah enjoy your life to the fullest and always appreciate what you hv right now, in your life, in front of your eyes....

so kesimpulannyer,

enjoy your life + appreciate what you hv right now + family first
[ aku ni da jd pengulas ker aper? ]

*PERINGATAN, aper yg trtulis n tertaip d atas ialah pandangan mata kasar yg jd hak milik n karya otak penulis sahaja. tak de kene mengena ngan yg masih hidup @ yg tlh meninggal dunia... skian trima kasih... =p

p/s: dua2 criter ni da lamer...freaky friday da tgk, sajer nk abehkn maser...

p/s: bosan...takder roomate :-(

kirenyer blom terlmbt tok aku kt sini yg mls thp dewa tok update ngan member2 aku tok ucap tahniah kpd semua member2 aku yg bkl mg"fly"kn dr ker tanah asing...

[ aper da jd ngan ayat aku ni? ]

neway,first skali aku nk say very sorry cause i never hv that afford to update with all of you out there. if you know me, you'll know i'm not that good in kepin' in thouch. sorry again...

aku raser aku x perlu sbt saper yg dpt g overc n kt maner diorg dpt, just enough that you guys know that they got that offer [ biggest congratulation from me!!!! ] sbb anis da state satu2 saper and kt maner offer nyer...

but again,do know that i'm always thinking about you guys through the harsh and good time i spend here. do know that i'll be missing the old days back to the old time where we all spent time together at the old shcool of SHAMS.

[ i guess there's only the first and the second... ]
and the second one, CONGRATULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nyer korg ley g ovrc...jeles pon ader, tp kt kener la bersyukur ngan aper yg ader...btol tak?

yg pasti, ramai yg tkkn lepaskn pluang merasa asam garam blaja n hidup d negera org...dah rezki kan?...

and of course, the life in college will never be the same as in schools. once you entered the life of univercity or so, your life will entirely change. the way you accept and the way you learn will determine how far you change yourself, inner and physically [ in the a good ways or in the bad ways... it all depends on yourself and your inner strength!!!!!!! ]. well, you know what i mean...


i guess that's all from of luck from me to all of you and may we meet again...

p/s: insyaALLAH, we'll meet before you guys "fly away"...hehe

Thursday, May 10, 2007



When you get caught in the rain with no where to run
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone

when you keep crying out to be saved
but nobody comes
And you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay, what you say is

I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And everytime I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And if you keep falling down don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say is

I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And everytime I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I'll make it through the rain

And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid
There's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you you'll never pull through
Don't hesitate, stand tall and say-ay-yeah-yeah-hey-ey

I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And everytime I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

I can make it through the rain
And stand up once again
And I live one more day
And I can make it through the rain
(Oh, yes you can)
Ohh, You're gonna make it through the ... rain

p/s: hmmm....feelin kind of alone lately...

according to my horoscope;
" Your friends might not have time to listen to your problems right now. Be patient. "

bley cayer ker?

p/s: ...........




" if friendship is the most important thing you treasure in your life, then would you lend a hand to your friend in need even you are clear that what he or she ask for is wrong? and if you resist to do so and your friend is being cold to you, what would you do? "

[ B - E - N - G - A - N - G ...yeah...that's the world... ]

p/s: hope everything is just my own feeling....

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


huh...ari ni lega sket.smalam aku nk bt luahan prasaan kt sini, tp trbantut sbb ader masalah teknikal sket....

naper ngan smalam? haha...kalu nk tau, semalam aku harung 2 test.pagi kol 11 test chemistry, ptg kol 5 lak, test e-math [ ni singkatan tok engineering math ]. dan soklan nyer?hahaha...sgt "best"!

dah la tu, mlm nyer aku d srg skt kpl thp karma...haha...trgolek aku ats ktl...dah sesorg jer kt dlm blk..haru!!!!nk study pon cam tak masok kpl jer...result nyer? tgk soklan cam tak pernah jumper soklan...blur! tak pernah2 aku seblur tuh...abeh la aku...mark musti down nih...

pastu ptg nyer, aku lpk kat bilik anis.ader lar roomate dier n member nyer skali...semua dlm bilik tuh study ngan khusyu' nyer...EXCLUDING ME! per?surve internat, men2...sempoi takder test jer...bantak aku tgk2 la jugak rmus2 nyer...tgk graf sket...cilok saner, cilok cam test ni quiz...mmg sempoi!hehe....

test e-math tu kira ok la...muak2 aku tgk rumus, pon ader hkmh nyer, ye tak?tp satu jer, aku frust sbb tk ley verify. pastu aku tak dpt cari angular velocity,w.last skali, aku bt jer, ikut rumus dlm fiz...bantak la....

k r...da 11 stengah lbh...ader lecture ni kol 12.nti lwt plak aku...k, till next time....

p/s: study week da dekat...cuak r nak ambek final exam...