Sunday, December 31, 2006


Hehe... before I tell u about da story I plan to share with u, let me say this to my most beloved friends, ANIS n IRDA n not to forget SUFIYAN n SAFWAN 4 being emitted by utp. Biggest congratulation from me to you...

n me? Still waiting....i really hope that the answer will be positive. If it`s negative, I don`t know what to do! For sure, I`ll be crying first, n then I`ll be planning my way to any university or college.

I really hope that I can share my feeling when I felt most terrible about myself thinking that I won`t be able to get into utp. I tried to tell my friends, I guess I`ve done it da wrong way...maybe they got the message, n thought I got carried away. Well the truth is, I`m taking this issue seriously n I really want to go to utp. I don`t know how many times I said that, it must have been at least hundred of it.

They thought it was nothing. I will get the offer. that`s what they said n I knew they said that to make me feel better. N it doesn`t work that well. I got so nervous that I cried. I knew that proved that I did get carried away. I just couldn`t help myself. So i told my brother about it. He gave me an advice. N actually that`s the reason why I cried on the first place. He reminded me about ALLAH that I almost forgot that time. Oh... that`s forgetful me...

I still remembered my brother said that it`ll be ok if I`m not emitted there. There still matriks [like I wish it`ll be my first destination n on da top of my list after utp...]. That`s really disappointing actually cause it`s not even on my head. My destination? It`ll be ATMAA n KUIM. N maybe utm n upm will be my list. Oh wait, I don`t even care where I`ll be going after this except for utp! Haha...[evil me...]

I do don`t care where I`m going if I`m not going to utp. I just hope that I can go to ATMAA. Maybe I shock u out, but trust me, being a soldier do makes I happy. So be happy for me ok?

p/s: maybe I`m not that good, but do hope da best for me, o.k?

p/s: did I annoy u with my "written feeling"? I`m sorry if I did...

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