huhu...smalam da kuar,pastu hari ni kuar lagi...hehe....berjoli sungguh aku cuti ni...
mesti r..cuti kn kejap jer.mesti r enjoy.huhu...nti nk balik utp nti rindu member tak tentu pasal.huhu...
hmm...per2 je la...
td maser dlm prjalanan blk umah smbl brtemankn driver brtaraf member [ IRAH tuh..huhu... ] aku tgk la pemandangan kt luar.lalu la kt depan skolah ss [ sultan sulaiman ]. kebetulan maser tuh bebdk tgh blk skolah.tringat aku maser muder2 dulu... [ da tuer ruper nyer...haha ]
bender tu bt aku trpikir.kalu aku bley bawak kreta, mesti bdk2 ni aku respek aku cam org yg da kerja.walhal aku br jer nk raser pahit manis idup kat dunia universiti ni. huhu...raser nk gelak pon ader.
look can be deceiving. dat right!
n biler aku tgk balik kt diorg, aku raser cam sebahagian dr diri aku ni still in school.back in my old school.somehow there's a piece of my heart belong to my school...i guess i just miss the old days....
with my friends of course!
hehe... :P
neway, bebdk yg nk g blaja kt oversea tuh nti nk msk intec.da tak lamer da.member kt sini nk bertolak ari jumaat ni.kebanyakannyer la.ahad dftr.hmm...esok la ari last diorg..huhu..
ari ni aku lepak [ + di trun trf jd pegawai peribadi.huhu... ] ngan TEHA, NABILAH, IYLIA, IRDA, ALIA n of course IRAH.semua bebdk ni nk g intec.huhu...alamatnyer korg bley wat perkmpungan org2 ganu la kt saner..hehehe....
len kali kiter bt lg yerk!
per2 pon, aku nk ucapkan GUD LUCK kt semua yg akan masok intec n enjoy ur life there!
maybe it's not as good as it seems, but that is not the reason why you should stop enjoying ur life.
just live to the fullest!
p/s: SHINICHI of luck to you! ;P
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