Friday, October 31, 2008



"if i were a boy"

if i were a boy i would hangout with the guys and chase after girls...haha...da 2 3 hari aku buat status gtalk "if i were a boy". and rata2 semua tak sokong. semua pelik. ni yang respon la...

huhu..actually, ni tajuk lagu. by beyonce, if i were a boy. da jadik one of my fav song. beeeest. saper2 tak dengar lagi, cari la lagu ni. tapi maybe tak disarankan kepada kaum lelaki. opssss...hehe

aneway, aku stuju ngan lagu lirik lagu ni. kenapa? biarlah rahsia...huhu. sejarah la katakan.pe2 pon, mcm kater cikgu kaunseling aku, kiter takkan paham exactly aper yang org lain raser. macam sakit gigi. saper2 pon ley sakit gg. tapi samer ker sakit gigi kiter dengan sakit gigi org lain? gigi yg samer ker yang saket? tak semestinya sama kan? kalau org tu xtahan sakit, mesti sakit dier lagi sakit dr sakit org yg tahan sakit kan? (paham ker statement nieyh?)

what i'm trying to say is, ssh nk phm per yg org lain raser. maybe kiter pernah berada di situasi yang sama. tapi di sbbkan kiter di besarkan dan membesar dgn cr yg berbeza, kiter punya persepsi yg berbeza. so like what we use to say, never ever judge a book by its cover.

aku mengaku, kekadang terjudge jugakkan. but i hate to say that most of the time, i was right. but though, i need to be positive. takyah pikir bnder2 buruk ni. husnu zan gitu. kan lg baik?

so lps ni, kalau tgk org lain tak sama macam kiter, jgn cepat menilai. we can't aspect people to be the same with us right? (di tuju buat diri sndri,huhu)

so btol la kater lirik tuh, you're just a boy. you never know how it feels (opsssssss, sorry buat saper yg teraser..huhu)

p/s: tak larat r nk tulis skema2 nieyh..hehe...tukar la lak...ngeeee

p/s: for those who knows my past, i 'm done. and don't be surprise if i plan for revenge.hehehehe


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